Welcome to the DNA Talks Podcast where we take on the mission of unlocking the code of your genetics. This season is all about you – upgrading your health not just on the surface, but down to the root cause. Join us, as your clinicians of The DNA Company investigate your DNA and beyond!
Formerly the UNPILLED Podcast, the DNA Talks Podcast continues to be the innovative provider of FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS SOLUTIONS for personalized and preventative health and wellness.
In this first episode, Kashif Khan and Tracy Wood share their personal experiences on transitioning to health from their respective fields. These involve breakthroughs that come from the concern of their families' health, and what they could have done if they had known what they know now.
Now that Kashif and Tracy are the founder and CEO of the DNA Company respectively, they move forward with the discussion on how the DNA Company is driving innovation in the personalized healthcare space. This innovation revolves around the science of epigenetics and how knowing your DNA can transform your perspective on health, and how you maneuver it towards positive change through testing and coaching programs that The DNA Company has to offer.
00:00 Introduction
02:23 Tracy's Backstory: Getting into Healthcare
11:35 The American Healthcare System
19:11 The Impact of The DNA Company
24:18 The Importance of Early Detection
25:59 Technology and Health
29:05 Medicare vs. Medicaid
33:04 How to Take Action
39:14 Kashif's Journey on Battling Chronic Conditions
41:38 Conclusion
Music: Inspiring Motivational Background by Stock-Waves
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbwVDTn-I0o&list=PLQtpqy3zeTGB7V5lkhkfBVaiZyrysv_fG&index=5
Music: Peaceful Corporate by Stock-Waves
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I34bTKW8ud0&list=PLQtpqy3zeTGB7V5lkhkfBVaiZyrysv_fG