Finding Happiness: Emotional and Mental Resilience with Dr. Gillian Mandich - Part 2

Feb 06, 2025

The pursuit of happiness is a mystery that we all aspire to figure out. In a time where we all suffer emotional and mental stress from maneuvering through our daily lives, the usual expectation is to keep your chin up but is there a proper way of finding happiness?

In this episode, Bryce Wylde is joined by Dr. Gillian Mandich who has a PhD from Western University in Health Science, specializing in Health Promotion. Her primary areas of research are happiness and health, and her work combines the latest research, practical wisdom, and an engaging style to help people live happier, healthier lives. 

Dr. Mandich is passionate about research. She is the founder of The International Happiness Institute of Health Science Research and is a part of the Meant2Prevent research team at SickKids. She appears regularly in the media on shows such as The Social, Marilyn Denis, Breakfast Television, The Morning Show, and CBC; is a graduate Student Innovation Scholar Program at the Richard Ivey School of Business Pierre L. Morrissette Institute for Entrepreneurship and WORLDiscoveries®; the co-lead investigator of The Canadian Happiness At Work Study. 

Throughout the episode, Bryce and Dr. Gillian discuss how happiness can be approached scientifically and is actually a skill that you can train towards. Here are the highlights of today's episode:

00:30 What's Robbing Us of Happiness

07:13 Gauging Our Happiness

08:35 Affective Forecasting

09:38 Happy Hunting

19:47 Sleep Hygiene and Happiness

23:29 The Opposite of Happiness

30:11 Happiness Project

34:48 Rapid Fire

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Music: Inspiring Motivational Background by Stock-Waves
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Music: Peaceful Corporate by Stock-Waves
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