Burnout - we often hear this term from our colleagues and family members, or even from ourselves, as we all go through a fast-paced world where we give little to no priority to self-care. Today, we're answering the question, "How do we find the balance when it comes to practicing self-care and avoiding burnout while still being productive in our own chosen fields?"
In this episode, Bryce Wylde is joined by Erica Diamond, an acclaimed Media Expert, Professional Speaker, Bestselling Author, Founder of the BUSY TO BLISS Self-Care Membership Community, Certified Life and Career Coach, Certified Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Host of the Erica Diamond Podcast, and Founder of Bliss Essential Oils.
Bryce and Erica discuss the current reality that we revolve in and give attainable ways that we can start practicing today in order to live our best life by being kinder to ourselves, free from being paralyzed by the demands of the world.
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- The DNA Talks Podcast Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dnatalkspodcast/
- Bryce Wylde's Official Instagram Page https://www.instagram.com/wyldeonhealth/
This episode may also be viewed on YouTube
Music: Inspiring Motivational Background by Stock-Waves
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbwVDTn-I0o&list=PLQtpqy3zeTGB7V5lkhkfBVaiZyrysv_fG&index=5
Music: Peaceful Corporate by Stock-Waves
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I34bTKW8ud0&list=PLQtpqy3zeTGB7V5lkhkfBVaiZyrysv_fG