DNAging Epigenetic Test & Reports

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Unlock the secrets of your biological age with DNAging, a comprehensive solution that goes beyond traditional testing to provide insights into how fast or slow your body is aging. Our easy, at-home test offers a deep dive into your genetic profile, analyzing telomere length and providing a personalized pace of aging report. With scientific-backed recommendations tailored to your results, DNAging empowers you to optimize your health and longevity, ensuring you live longer and feel healthier. 

  • Access A Personalized Telomere Length Report: Understand how your cells age over time with a detailed analysis of your telomere length, a key indicator of biological age. 
  • Discover Your Pace of Aging: Learn how fast or slow your body is aging compared to one standard calendar year, providing valuable insights into your overall health and well-being. 
  • Get Scientific-Backed Recommendations: Receive personalized recommendations based on your results, allowing you to make informed lifestyle choices to improve aging and longevity. 
  • Easy At-Home Test: Our convenient at-home testing kit makes the process simple and hassle-free, allowing you to unlock valuable insights into your genetic profile from the comfort of your own home. 

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DNAging Test Report
DNAging Test Report
DNAging Test Report
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Change The Day You Die

It's important to think about how old your body really is compared to how many years you've been alive. Your biological age reflects your body's health and how well it functions, while your chronological age just tells you how many years you've been around. Biological age considers things like your lifestyle, genes, and environment that can affect how you age. Epigenetic testing looks at changes in your DNA that can affect how your genes work and how your cells age. By knowing your biological age and dealing with any differences between it and your chronological age, you can take steps to stay healthy, avoid getting sick, and live longer.


Understanding Your Biological Age Is The Key To Longevity

Focusing on longevity is important because it means striving for a longer and healthier life. When we prioritize longevity, we're not just thinking about living longer, but also about living better. By taking care of our bodies and minds, we can prevent diseases, maintain our independence as we age, and enjoy more time with loved ones. Longevity allows us to pursue our passions, achieve our goals, and make meaningful contributions to the world. Additionally, the longer we live, the more opportunities we have to create lasting memories and experiences with the people we love. Ultimately, focusing on longevity empowers us to lead fulfilling lives and leave a positive impact on future generations.

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Transform How You Think About Aging

Our DNAging epigenetic test can change how we think about getting older. It looks at changes in our DNA that affect how our genes work and how our cells age. This test tells us how old our bodies really are inside. With this information, we can make smart choices to stay healthy and live longer. We might change what we eat, how we exercise, or even try new treatments. The DNAging test helps us take control of our health as we age. Instead of just living longer, we can focus on living better by staying healthy and full of energy.

How we’ve changed lives

“Knowing your DNA profile is extremely helpful to understand yourself better and be able to take the best conscious decisions for you. The information is very extensive and user friendly, and comes with practical recommendations. Personalised medicine is key and individual DNA knowledge is an important complement. ”

Lorena F.

“The DNA sample collection was super easy. Once I received the results I went over them alone, and then with an integrative doctor. The results confirmed some things I already suspected, but it also revealed issues that I was unaware of. I am now taking some supplements that will assist me in attaining better health.”

Richard C.

“ I couldn't wait to get my report. I was tired of throwing darts at a dartboard trying to figure out what supplements to take. What I got was amazing. So much about my life was explained through this extremely thorough report. I found I had a rare gene: The Zen Gene, which described my personality so well; and who knew there was a PTSD gene that affected the way I dealt with childhood trauma.? Not to mention ways to deal with genes that behaved sub optimally or genes that were non existant! Wow! So much more than I set out to learn. ”

Sue W.

“I am working with literally all the top DNA companies, and I found the report and resources from the DNA Company to be the best in class. I also very much like their practices with regard to client communication and security. ”

Steven W.

Frequently Asked Questions


Will my data be shared with third parties?

Don’t worry, your data is safe with us. We
immediately aggregate and anonymize all data, and our data management is
HIPAA compliant. We will NEVER sell your DNA data to any 3rd party,
without your consent.


How long does the testing process take?

When you order a DNA 360 kit from our website, one is immediately
dispatched to your home from our warehouse. Once you send the saliva sample back to our labs it typically takes about 4 to 6 weeks to receive
your final results.

Due to Covid-19 specimen testing many laboratories are busier than usual. We hope to decrease the wait time in the coming months as capacity continues to open up.

Fun fact: Surveyed customers reported that The DNA 360 test “exceeded their expectations” upon arrival.